
The Research Institute wins the XVIII Ascer Ceramics Awards

The building of the Sant Pau Research Institute wins the first prize in the architecture category of the 18th edition of the Ceramic Awards given by the Ascer patron saint. The work of PICHarchitects and 2BMFG Arquitectos has been awarded for the permeable ceramic roof formed by pieces of a colour similar to the walls of the Modernist Precinct of Sant Pau, on the outside, and glazed with colours similar to their roofs, on the inside. These pieces also have a fold towards the outside that allows them to also act as protective slats against solar radiation.

The Research building is adjacent to the Hospital de Sant Pau. This location facilitates the continuous relationship between the researchers at IR Sant Pau and the Hospital’s healthcare professionals and gives more impetus to translational research projects.

The new construction, financed by the Private Foundation with a minimum contribution of 12 M €, has a subsidy of up to 5 M € from European FEDER funds, managed by the Department of Enterprise and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

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