Stroke Pharmacogenomics and Genetics

The Pharmacogenomics and Neurovascular Genetics reserch group composed of seven members and led by Dr. Israel Fernández, focuses his research on genetic and epigenetic studies of stroke. The group also studies the intestinal microbiota to determine the role of the gut microbiota in stroke occurrence. The objective of the group is to perform a translational research using these genomic tools, bioinformatic analyses and functional studies in vitro and in vivo.

The Group participates in several international consortia as members of the executive and scientific committees of these consortia. Currently, the group collaborates actively in four of these organizations that have their research focus on stroke genetics and / or associated diseases (IGSC, MEGASTROKE, CADISP and ICPC). The research group is currently coordinating the Spanish Stroke Genetics Consortium  (Genestroke consortium) a consortium that is composed by 15 hospitals and research centers in Spain.

The lines of research of the group are:

L1 Genetic factors associated with stroke risk.

L2 Genetic and epigenetic factors associated with post-stroke neurological deterioration.

L3 Genetic and epigenetic factors associated with post-stroke disability.

L4 CADASIL and small vessel diseases.

L5 Microbioma and stroke.

We highlight the following publications:

Fernández-Cadenas I, et al. GRECOS Project (Genotyping Recurrence Risk of Stroke): The Use of Genetics to Predict the Vascular Recurrence After Stroke. Stroke. 2017;48:1147-1153. IF:5.7

Soriano-Tárraga C, et al. Biological age is better than chronological as predictor of 3-month outcome in ischemic stroke. Neurology. 2017 Aug 22;89(8):830-836. IF:8

Muiño E, et al. Systematic Review of Cysteine-Sparing  NOTCH3 Missense Mutations in Patients with Clinical Suspicion of CADASIL. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Sep 13;18(9). IF:2.3

Rannikmäe K, et al. COL4A2 is associated with lacunar ischemic stroke and deep ICH: Meta-analyses among 21,500 cases and 40,600 controls. Neurology. 2017 Sep 27. IF:8

Phuah CL, et al. Genetic variants influencing elevated myeloperoxidase levels increase risk of stroke. Brain. 2017;140(10):2663-2672. IF: 10.2

Díaz-Maroto Cicuéndez I, et al. The UCP2-866G/A Polymorphism Could be Considered as a Genetic Marker of Different Functional Prognosis in Ischemic Stroke After Recanalization. Neuromolecular Med. 2017 Dec;19(4):571-578. IF: 3.2

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