Technical staff
Sabina Cisa Wieczorek
Mario Casanova Sánchez
Tumor bank
Mario Casanova Sánchez
M. Angels Velasco Murcia
Iris Rodríguez Rodríguez
M. Angels Velasco Murcia
Histopathological techniques’ scientific advice
J. Oriol Juan-Babot
Image / Digital pathology
J. Oriol Juan-Babot
Iris Rodríguez Rodríguez
The Biobank and Immunohistochemical Platform is a support platform for biomedical research whose main function is the processing of biological samples according to quality criteria.
The Biobank IIB Sant Pau, as part of the Biobank and Immunohistochemical Platform, is a non-profit public establishment, authorized by the Directorate General for Planning and Research in Health, of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya and is registered in the National Registry of Biobanks of the Carlos III Health Institute (number B.0000722) in accordance with RD1716/2011, of November 18, which establishes the basic requirements for authorization and operation of biobanks for biomedical research purposes and of the treatment of biological samples of human origin, and the operation and organization of the National Registry of Biobanks for biomedical research is regulated. Likewise, the Biobanc IIB Sant Pau is part of the current National Platform of Biobanks (PT20/00196), this being one of the ISCIII Platforms to Support R&D&i in Biomedicine and Health Sciences of the Strategic Action in Health 2017-2020.
Its mission is to obtain, process, store, manage and make available to the scientific community human biological samples and associated data, in accordance with agreed standard working procedures, as well as maintaining the traceability of the sample and its associated data, in order to promote quality biomedical research, respecting the rights of donors.
The objective of the Biobank IIB Sant Pau is to increase the accessibility of human biological samples to applicant researchers so that they can use them in their research projects, as long as they meet the ethical and legal requirements required by current legislation.
The Biobank IIB Sant Pau acts, therefore, as a link between sample donors, healthcare personnel and the scientific community for the harmonization of the rights, duties and interests of each of the groups in order to facilitate the advancement of quality biomedical research.
On the other hand, the Immunohistochemistry laboratories of the Biobank and Immunohistochemistry Platform offer biological sample processing services, both of human origin and animal models, for analysis using histological techniques, from sample processing, cutting and staining to digitalization of the preparations, histological analysis and delivery of results. The Platform offers the possibility of implementing new histological methods and stains, according to the demand and needs of our users, both internal and external. In addition, user training is carried out so that they can use the platform’s equipment in a self-service mode.
The Biobank and Immunohistochemical Platform is certified under the ISO 9001:2015 standard for all the services offered by it.
In addition to the catalogs of human biological samples, the Biobank and Immunohistochemical Platform offers a wide range of services:
- Management of requests for biological material for research purposes
- Ethical-legal advice on the creation of new collections
- Scientific-technical advice on the treatment of biological samples
- Processing of human biological samples: peripheral blood, bone marrow, urine, frozen tissue, etc.
- Conservation and custody of human biological samples
- Cryopreservation of viable cells
- Management of sample collections and associated data
- Nucleic acid extraction from different types of biological samples
- Tissue decalcification
- Tissue processing for paraffin embedding and O.C.T.
- Section of paraffin blocks and O.C.T.
- Section of fresh tissue
- Antigen retrieval
- Automatic, single and double immunostaining
- Stains: hematoxylin-eosin, giemsa, oil red, trichrome, PAS, Wright’s stain, alcian blue, safranin, sirius red, etc…
- Preparation of tissue microarrays (TMA)
- Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) on tissue
- Digitization of histological preparations, under bright field, fluorescence and FISH conditions
- Qualitative and quantitative histological analysis
The Platform offers the possibility of implementing new histological methods and stains, according to the demand and needs of our users, both internal and external.

- 15 Ultralow freezers -80ºC NUAIRE NU-9668E with double-emergency system alarm. 24h monitoring
- Liquid nitrogen tank CHART MVE 1211 with automatic filling
- Vapour nitrogen tank CBS V-5000 EHAB with automatic filling
Biosafety BSL-2 Laboratory
- Biosafety cabinet IIA NUAIRE
- Refrigerated centrifuge HERAEUS MEGAFUGE 40R
- Refrigerated centrifuge KENDRO LABOFUGE 400R
- Refrigerated centrifuge EPPENDORF 5415R
- Cell counter BIORAD TC-20
- Nucleic acid extractor QIACUBE
Immunohistochemistry new IR-HSCSP building
- Tissue processor SAKURA TISSUE TEK VIP 5 JR
- Microwave Tissue processor KOS
- Paraffin Embedding Module SAKURA TISSUE TEK TEC5
- Cold plate for Paraffin Modules LEICA ARCADIA C
- Rotary Microtome MICROM HM355S.
- Paraffin section flotation bath SELECTA TERMOFIN.
- Drying oven TERMARKS B8000
- Cryostat LEICA CM1950
- Immunohistochemistry automatic stainer AGILENT AUTOSTAINER AS48
- Automatic Stainer for histologic staining SAKURA TISSUE TEK PRISMA
- Semiautomatic tissue array GALILEO CK3500.
- Fume hood NUAIRE NU-S813-400E
- Fume hood NUAIRE NU-164-424E
- Scanner Panoramic Scan II (3DHistech) for digital pathology
Immunohistochemistry Lab Pavilion 11
- Paraffin Embedding Module LEICA EG1150H: assisted and non-assisted
- Cold plate for Paraffin Modules LEICA EG1150C: assisted and non-assisted
- Rotary Microtome LEICA JUNG RM2055: assisted and non-assisted
- Paraffin section flotation bath LEICA HI1210: assisted and non-assisted.
- Drying oven MEMMERT BE 300
- Cryostat LEICA JUNG CM3050S: assisted and non-assisted
- Vibratome LEICA VT1000S: assisted
- Scanner Panoramic MIDI BF for digital pathology.
- Workstation for qualitative and quantitative histological analysis
Biobank and Immunohistochemistry Platform form
- IR-HSCSP. “Plataformas ISCIII. Biobanco IIB Sant Pau. Instituto de Investigación del Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo”. Plataformas ISCIII de apoyo a la I+D+I en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud 2020. PT20/00196. Amount: 207.900€. Co-funding FEDER
- IR-HSCSP. “Network of Tumor Banks of Catalonia’s Tumor Bank Sant Pau Node Maintenance”. ICO Agreement. Quantitat: 14.000€
- IR-HSCSP. “Plataformas ISCIII. Biobanco IIB Sant Pau. Instituto de Investigación del Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo”. Plataformas ISCIII de apoyo a la Investigación en Ciencias y tecnologías de la Salud 2013. PT13/0010/0034. Amount: 21.304,35€. Co-funding FEDER
- IR-HSCSP. “Equipamiento para completar la Plataforma Biobanco”. Proyecto PROMIS 2012 de Infraestructuras. II12/00001. Amount: 113.516,15€. Co-funding FEDER
- IR-HSCSP. RETICS de Biobancos 2009. RD09/0076/00081 Amount: 473.403,92€. Co-funding FEDER
- IR-HSCSP. “Convenio para la mejora y adecuación y mejora de los Biobancos del SNS”. ISCIII. Amount: 165.000€. Co-funding FEDER
Last update: 04 de July de 2023