Marta Soler
E-mail: /
Telephone: 606 52 67 76
Lia Ros
The flow cytometry platform provides users with the latest generation equipment for cytometric analysis and separation of cell populations. Unit staff support users in experimental design, data acquisition, and analysis of results. Furthermore, unit staff performs periodic training of the users to facilitate their non-assisted use of the equipment in the platform.
The flow cytometry platform is certified by the ISO 9001:2015, and offers sample analysis, from staining to delivery of results, as well as the possibility of fine-tuning new techniques at the request of both internal and external users.
The flow cytometry platform has a wide range of applications in flow cytometry and cell sorting and is open to innovation with new techniques at the request of researchers.

Conventional cytometry
- Characterization of cell populations by multicolour immunophenotyping.
- Essays of cell viability and proliferation in animal and bacterial cells.
- Essays of cell cycle and apoptosis.
- Gene expression (analysis of fluorescent proteins) and quantification of transfection efficiency.
- Magnetic column cell enrichment for the detection of minority populations.
Cell sorter
- Up to 4 cell subpopulations can be obtained simultaneously in a biosafety cabin.
- Automated magnetic cell separation of up to two populations.
Cell dissociation
- Independent and fully automatized dissociation of up to 8 samples simultaneously
- Dissociation of tissue and cells for single cells or molecular downstream applications
- 8 individual heating units for 37ºC incubations
High Throughput Screening (HTS)
- Analysis of gene expression and immunophenotype profiles, detection of DNA, RNA and protein in a single plaque.
- Possibility to include up to 50 analytes in the same plaque.
Analyzer cytometer
- FACSCalibur (BD). 2 lasers: 4 fluorescence parameters.
- FACSCanto II (BD). 3 lasers: 8 fluorescence parameters.
- MACSQuant 10 (Miltenyi Biotec). 3 lasers: 8 fluorescence parameters. Equipped with a magnetic enrichment column.
- MACSQuant VYB (Miltenyi Biotec). 3 lasers: 8 fluorescence parameters. It is equipped with a yellow-green laser (561nm) and it specializes in bacteria and fluorescent proteins (GFP, mCherry, dTomato…).
- MACSQuant 16 (Miltenyi Biotec). 3 lasers: 14 fluorescence parameters. Specialized in nanocytometry.
Cell sorting
- FACSAria (BD) inside class II biosafety cabinet. 3 lasers: 9 fluorescence parameters. Collection in cytometry tubes (up to 4 populations), plaque, or slides. Single-cell option.
- AutoMACS Pro (Miltenyi Biotec) inside class II biosafety cabinet. Automated magnetic separation.
Multiplex Analysis
- MAGPIX (Luminex). Analysis of up to 50 analytes per plaque.
Cell dissociation:
- gentleMACS Octo Dissociator with Heaters (8 independent positions).
Off-line analysis programs
- FACSDiva and Cell Quest Pro.
- Flow Logic- software for cytometric analysis (Miltenyi).
- Belysa Immunoassay Curve-Fitting Software (Luminex- Millipore).

- IRHSCSP. “Flow cytometry cell sorter: analysis system and high throughput cell sorting”. IF06/3678-1. Co-funding: FEDER.
- IRHSCSP. “Contrato de suministro por adquisición de dos citómetros de flujo de 3 láseres para la Fundación Privada Institut de Recerca de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau”. NEGSPIR 20/25. Co-funding: FEDER.
Flow Cytometry Service Form
ENG_Flow Cytometry platform Fees_2023
Last update: 26 de June de 2023