

Esther Peña Sendra PhD

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Technical Staff

Josep Oriol Juan Babot PhD



The Confocal Microscopy platform is a core facility focused on biomedical research. The main function is to advise on the experimental design, choose the equipment that best suits the needs and train the user in it, acquire, quantify, and analyze images.

The Confocal Microscopy platform is certified by the ISO 9001:2015.


  • Advice on the preparation and/or approach to studies.
  • Training.
  • Immunofluorescence from 2 to 5 fluorochromes.
  • Reconstruction of 3D and 4D images.
  • Co-location studies.
  • Inter and intra-interactions (FRET and FLIM).
  • Conventional or brightfield fluorescence microscopy of living, fixed cells, and tissues.
  • Time lapse
  • Pathological studies of different tissues, stained by conventional immunohistochemistry (freezing or paraffin) and quantification of the images.


  • Leica SP5 multispectral confocal AOBS system with high-resolution scanning, high-speed tandem digitalization, FLIM/FCS modules and time-lapse incubation modules.


  •  Leica SP2 AOBS  multispectral confocal AOBS system with high-resolution scanning,  high-speed tandem digitalization,and time-lapse incubation modules.


  • Zeiss AXIOVERT 200M inverted fluorescence microscope with temperature and CO2 control,  incubation cabinet that allows working with live cells both in fluorescence and in bright field. Equipped with fluorescence filters: DAPI, FITC, Rhodamine. Equipped with polarizers systems that allow capturing images of polarized light with all objectives.
    5X/0.15 Plan-Neofluar Ph1 – Sí DIC II Ph1
    10X/0.30 Plan-Neofluar Ph1 – Sí DIC II Ph1
    20X/0.50 Plan-Neofluar Ph2 – Sí DIC II Ph2
    40X/0.75 Plan-Neofluar Ph2 – Sí DIC II Ph2
    63X/1.4 Oil Plan-Apochromat Ph3 (Oil)


  • Olympus BX51 fluorescence microscope with double head. Equipped with fluorescence filters: DAPI, FITC, TRITC, TXRED. With the objectives:
    2x Plan N 0.06 ∞/-/FN22
    4x Plan N 0.10 ∞/-/FN22
    10x Plan N/0.25 ∞/-/FN22
    20x Plan N 0.40BD ∞/0.17/FN 22 UIS 2
    40x Plan N 0.65 FN22
    100x UPlan FLN 1.3 oil-UIS2 ∞/0.17/FN26.5
  • Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope. Equipped with the fluorescence filters: FITC, G-1B (546), FITC-CY3. With the objectives:
    Plan Fluor 4X/0.13 ∞/- nd17.1
    Plan Fluor 10x/0.3 PH1 DLL∞/- Wd16
    Plan Fluor 20x/0.5 PH1 DLL∞/0.17 Wd2.1
    Plan Fluor 40X/0.75 PH2DLL∞/0.17WD0.72
    Plan Apo VC 60x/1.4oil∞/0.17WD0.13


  • Stand for macrophotography with lighting
  • Stereomicroscope LEICA MZ 9.5



  • IRHSCSP. “Zeiss digital time-lapse microscope”. IF01/3664. Co-fundingt: FEDER.
  • IRHSCSP. “Confocal microscopy and accessories”. IF08/3643. Co-funding: FEDER.


Orden de cargo Plataforma Microscopia


Tarifes plataformes v6

Last update: 04 de July de 2023

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