General and Digestive Surgery

Main lines of research

Gastrointestinal Surgery

  • Application of laparoscopic surgery in diseases of the spleen.
  • Application of laparoscopic surgery in disorders of the oesophagogastric junction.
  • Advanced application of colorectal laparoscopy.
  • New stratification and treatment options in colorectal cancer.

Oncological and Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery

  • Surgery for liver metastasis in colorectal cancer.
  • Development of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in the global context of treatment
    for liver metastasis in colorectal carcinoma.
  • Surgery for primary hepatic tumours: determination of efficient prognostic parameters for surgical resection of hepatocarcinoma and likelihood of tumour recurrence after resection.
  • ntroduction of the laparoscopic methodology to biliary lithiasis.
  • Surgery for sarcomas: participation in GIST research through the Spanish Sarcoma Research
    Group (GEIS) and other entities.
  • Surgery for sarcomas: participation in the development and results of surgery for retroperitoneal

Emergency Care

  • Collaborative project on clinical safety for the introduction of safe practices for polytraumatized patients.


Gastrointestinal Surgery

  • Design, develop and manage a dry laboratory for endoscopic surgery, creating a multifunctional research and teaching space to conduct applied technological research in minimally invasive surgery.

Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery

  • Development of techniques to study liver volume and function.
  • Development of experimental studies on the function and healing of bilio-intestinal sutures.
  • Studies of the value of nutrition in patients undergoing aggressive surgery for highly debilitating cancer.
  • Suitable stratification of GIST tumours in accordance with an anatomopathological classification.
  • Viability of surgical interventions considering the likelihood of disease recurrence.

Emergency Surgery

  • Consolidation of a multidisciplinary group for polytraumatized patient care.

Breast Surgery

  • Technological innovations in surgery.
  • Possible role of genetic studies in diagnosis and follow-up.

Endocrinal and Cervical Surgery

  • Technical innovations in surgery.

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