Feb'22 22


18:00 h New Seminar at CC Navas: Neural disconnection and intellectual disability, two sides of the same coin – Dr. Àlex Bayés Puig

Synapses allow neurons in the brain to communicate with each other, but they are also responsible for storing information that reaches us through the senses. During the development of the child’s brain, a network of trillions of synapses is formed. If this process is not carried out properly, the child will have learning deficits, which we generally call an intellectual deficit. It is currently estimated that about 2% of children born with this type of disability have this type of disability.

Dr Àlex Bayés PhD, principal investigator, Molecular Physiology of the Synapse Laboratory Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute (IIB Sant Pau)

Address: Centre Cívic Navas, Ptge. Dr. Torent, 1, Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h -19:00 h


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