Mar'22 15


18:00 h New Seminar at CC Navas: Genomics to understand cardiovascular disease – Dra. Maria Sabater Leal

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases is a top priority nowadays. Genomic studies allow us to identify the most genetically vulnerable individuals at an early stage, thus addressing the leading cause of death in both sexes, both in the industrialized world and in developing countries. Through examples of cardiovascular diseases and COVID, in this talk we will introduce the tools we use to determine the genetic risk of suffering from these diseases.

La Dra. Maria Sabater Leal, PhD,  researcher  at the Complex Disease Genomics Group of the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica Sant Pau – IIB Sant Pau.

Address: Centre Cívic Navas, Ptge. Torent, 1

Time: 18:00 h -19:00 h


Limited capacity

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