Jan'23 18


19:00 h New Seminar at CC Guinardó: The mysterious case of the sphinx and the diabetic heart – Dr. Josep Julve Gil

Dr. Josep Julve Gil, Researcher of the Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Group at the Research Institute of the Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital, will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center on diabetic cardiomyopathy.

During the conference, he will delve into diabetic cardiomyopathy, a cardiac complication that progresses silently in people with diabetes. There are currently no specific biomarkers or treatments for this heart condition. The application of advanced omic techniques has made it possible to identify sphinx-shaped lipid species that, although a minority in blood, could be related to its advancement.

Address: Rda Guinardó, 113-141 Barcelona 08043

Time: 19:00 h – 20:00 h


Limited capacity

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