
Dr. Roser Torra, expert in hereditary kidney diseases at IIB Sant Pau, will chair the European Nephrology

Dr. Roser Torra Balcells, coordinator of Hereditary Kidney Diseases at Fundació Puigvert and researcher in the Nephrology group at the Sant Pau Research Institute (IIB Sant Pau), has been appointed President-elect of the European Renal Association (ERA), during the 60th ERA Congress in Milan (June 15-18, 2023). Starting in 2024, she will preside over this international scientific association, which has 20,000 members, for a period of three years.

Dr. Roser Torra is a specialist in Nephrology, an expert in hereditary kidney diseases, and coordinator at Fundació Puigvert for various research networks on rare diseases, such as ERKnet and XUEC, as well as the Hereditary Kidney Diseases group of the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN) and the Catalan counterpart. She has also been a center coordinator in previous Nephrology research networks (RedInRen) and is currently coordinating the RICORS40 network.

Expert in hereditary kidney diseases

Currently, there are more than 300 hereditary kidney diseases. Among them, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease stands out, which was the topic of her doctoral thesis titled “Clinical, Genetic, and Molecular Studies of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.” This condition affects approximately one person per thousand and is considered the most common within this group. Additionally, there are many other hereditary kidney diseases, some of which are very rare and, therefore, difficult to diagnose. In this regard, Dr. Torra clarifies that “the diagnosis of these diseases presents significant challenges since early clinical suspicion and early diagnosis can make a big difference in the lives of these individuals.” However, she points out future challenges such as “the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI), a tool that will open up many possibilities for both research and diagnosis of these conditions.”

Mandate objective

Chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease is underdiagnosed and is a cause of high morbidity and mortality, as well as high healthcare expenditure, resulting in a significant economic and social impact. It is estimated that this condition will be the fifth leading cause of death by 2040, making it urgent to implement preventive measures to reverse this trend. Among the main objectives of Dr. Torra’s tenure at the helm of ERA is to “promote excellence in renal medical care through education and research.”

From her perspective, nephrology will have to adapt due to the increasing incidence of chronic kidney disease in the coming years. “We must decisively respond to changing contexts and cultivate relationships with other institutions to generate synergies and share data, but the health of the patient will be my number one priority as a physician and one that I will always keep in mind, especially as President of ERA.”

First female presidency

Dr. Torra is the first woman to hold the presidency of this scientific society, which she considers an honor and, at the same time, a great challenge. “I face it with a lot of humility but even more determination. I embark on this new responsibility with great enthusiasm, extensive experience, and, most importantly, a current personal and professional life that allows me to devote time to my duties as President of ERA to enhance the prestige and role of ERA in international nephrology.”

The specialist acknowledges identifying with the “impostor syndrome” since many women of her generation have faced serious difficulties in balancing their professional and family lives, contributing to a prominent male presence. “Sometimes it is even difficult for me to recognize the fact of identifying with the impostor syndrome because that implies accepting that I really have the capabilities for it.”

For her, it is a pride to break this barrier and pave the way for other nephrology specialists so that they can aspire to occupy positions of responsibility and represent nephrologists in different international institutions.

Other biographical details of interest

Dr. Torra studied Medicine and Surgery at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and specialized in Nephrology at the Clínic Hospital. Subsequently, she delved into the field of genetics under the guidance of Dr. Xavier Estivill and specialized in the study of hereditary kidney diseases, on which she has published more than 200 articles and has developed various projects and received competitive grants (ISCIII, Marató TV3…). She has twice received the “Iñigo Álvarez de Toledo” Nephrology Research Award, one of the most prestigious in Spain.

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