18:30 h New Talk at CC Palmira Domènech: Will we manage to cure Alzheimer’s disease? – Danna Perlaza

On ThursdayOctober 17, at 18:30 hDanna Perlaza, research technician at the Memory Unit of the IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Palmira Domènech Civic Center entitled “Will we manage to cure Alzheimer’s disease?”.

In this talk, she will explain what happens to the brain when symptoms appear, the state-of-the-art regarding the treatment of the disease, and what are the latest scientific advances we have made in our laboratories.

Address: Carrer de Lo Gaiter del Llobregat, 112, 08820 El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona

Time: 18:30 h – 19:30 h



18:00 h New Seminar at CC Guinardó: Is it true? Disinformation, nutrition and science – Dr. Gonzalo Casino

On WednesdayOctober 16, at 18:00 h, Dr. Gonzalo Casino, researcher at IR Sant Pau and head of knowledge transfer at the Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre, will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center entitled “Is it true? Disinformation, nutrition and science”.

Messages and recommendations about food and nutrition made by the media are not always in line with the latest scientific evidence. In this talk, we will discover whether some of these messages are true or not, as well as the importance of having a critical eye to make informed decisions about nutrition and health.

Address: Rda. Guinardó, 113-141 Barcelona 08043

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h



18:00 h New Seminar at CC Guinardó: Will we manage to cure Alzheimer’s disease? – Danna Perlaza

On Wednesday, October 9, at 18:00 h, Danna Perlaza, research technician at the Memory Unit of the IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center entitled “Will we manage to cure Alzheimer’s disease?”.

In this talk, she will explain what happens to the brain when symptoms appear, the state-of-the-art regarding the treatment of the disease, and what are the latest scientific advances we have made in our laboratories.

Address: Rda. Guinardó, 113-141 Barcelona 08043

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h



18:00 h New talk at CC Navas: The journey of the drug: from the laboratory to your pharmacy – Pol Molina Perelló

On Tuesday, October 15 at 18h, Pol Molina Perelló, Pharmaceutical Researcher at CIM Sant Pau and the IR Sant Pau Clinical Research Platform will give a talk at the Navas Civic Center about the clinical trials that are carried out at the Medicament Research Center – CIM of the Sant Pau Research Institute.

During his talk, he will discuss how clinical trials with medicines that are carried out at the CIM are developed and supervised, mostly in Phase I with healthy volunteers in order to establish the effect of medicines in the initial stage of their development and Phase II trials, in small groups of patients in collaboration with various clinical services of the Hospital in order to obtain more kinetic or conceptual information of the drugs under study.


Address: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New Talk at CC Guinardó: To see is to believe: the incredible world of the brain image – Dra. Lídia Vaqué Alcázar

On Wednesday, May 29 at 18:00 h, Dra. Lídia Vaqué Alcázar, Memory Unit, Neurology Service of the IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center entitled “To see is to believe: the incredible world of the brain image”.

The talk will deal with neuroimaging techniques, how we can study the brain through magnetic resonance and other tools, to have information about its structure and function.

Adress: Rda. Guinardó, 113-141 Barcelona 08043

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New talk at the CC Navas: The patient in the clinical trial – Iris Artesero

On Tuestday, May 21 at 18 h, Iris Artesero, Study Coordinator of the Infectious Diseases Unit of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Navas Civic Center on the perspective and involvement of the patient in a clinical trial from the moment he is “detected” to beyond the end of the study.

Clinical trials are a complex field of which we can find quite a lot of information about the theoretical concept and its execution, but not so much about how the patient is reached, which involves him or who and how accompanies him during the process. This talk focuses on the patient’s experience rather than on the trial itself.

Address: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:30 h New talk at the Sagrada Família Library: Let’s talk about drugs, what do we know – Dra. Rosa M Antonijoan

On Thursday, May 16 at 18:30 h, Dra. Rosa M Antonijoan, Director of Clinical Pharmacology at the IR Sant Pau Drug Research Centre, will give a talk at the Sagrada Família Library entitled “Let’s talk about drugs, what do we know?”.

In this talk we will learn about the pattern of drug abuse in our surroundings. In addition, we will identify the pharmacological and toxic effects of different stimulating drugs and depressing drugs.

Adress: C/ de Provença, 480, 08025 Barcelona

Time: 18:30 h – 19:30 h


18:30 h New talk at Sagrada Familia Library: Letalment vital – Debora Cavero Moreno

On Wednesday, May 15th at 18:30h, Debora Cavero Moreno, predoctoral researcher of the Cancer Predisposition and DNA Repair Syndromes Group at IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Sagrada Família Library entitled “Letalment vital”.

Have you ever imagined that lethality could be a fundamental element for life? This talk talks about “synthetic letality” as a special interaction for the fight against cancer and the cure of rare diseases.

Address: C/ de Provença, 480, 08025 Barcelona

Time: 18:30 h – 19:30 h


18:00 h New Talk at CC Guinardó: Why is it important to sleep? – Dra. Sandra Giménez Badia

On Wednesday, May 8 at 18:00 h, Dra. Sandra Giménez Badia, Clinical Neurophysiologist specialized in Sleep Medicine at the Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau and researcher at the IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center entitled “Why is it important to sleep?”.

The talk will deal with sleep and brain health, from the importance of sleeping well to being physically, mentally and cognitively well, both in teenagers and adults. What we have to do or not do, to sleep well and which pathologies are related to sleep.

Adress: Rda. Guinardó, 113-141 Barcelona 08043

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h Nova Xerrada al CC Navas: Aconseguirem curar l’Alzheimer? – Danna Perlaza

El proper dimarts 16 d’abril a les 18h, la Danna Perlaza, estudiant de màster de la Unitat de Memòria de l’IR Sant Pau, farà una xerrada al Centre Cívic Navas sobre què és la malaltia d’Alzheimer, quines són les seves principals causes i símptomes i coneixerem en quin punt ens trobem quant al tractament de la malaltia.

Adreça: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Horari: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New Talk at CC Guinardó: How to feed your brain – Olga Perea Cabrera

On Wednesday, April 10 at 18 h, Olga Perea Cabrera, speech therapist, who specialized in neurology at the IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center entitled “How to feed your brain”.

We live in a society where neurological diseases are frequent: stress, anxiety, strokes, embolisms, dementias, among others. This talk talks about how the brain can be our best ally to control and avoid as much as possible suffering some brain difficulty. Resilience, positivism activates a chain of neurons that benefit not only our brain but our state in general.

Address: Rda. Guinardó, 113-141 Barcelona 08043

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New Talk at CC Navas: Stem cells in research – Dra. Alba Tristán Noguero

On Tuesday, April 9 at 18h, Dra. Alba Tristán Noguero, postdoctoral researcher of the ‘Margarita Salas’ Program in Physiology of synapse at the Sant Pau Research Institute will give a talk at the Navas Civic Center on research stem cells.

In this talk, we will talk about what stem cells are and the different types that exist giving several examples of their use in biomedical research.

Adress: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New talk at the CC Navas: What would I have liked to know about genetics if I wasn’t a geneticist? – Aina Marsal Olivan

On Tuesday, March 19 at 18 h, Aina Marsal Olivan, Mixed Unit Research in Genomic Medicine, UAB-IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Navas Civic Centre about genetics and the involvement it has in our lives.

Do you know what genetics is? What involvement does it have in our lives? And in society? In this talk we will answer these questions and discover some interesting curiosities about DNA.

Address: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:30 h New Talk at the Sagrada Família Library: Women, Science and Health – Laia Llucià Carol

On Thursday, March 14 at 18:30, Laia Llucià and Carol, Predoctoral Researcher of the Pharmacogenomic and Neurovascular Genetics Group at IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Sagrada Família Library entitled “Women, Science and Health”.

Did you know that the presence of women at the beginning of the research career is 47.3%, while in the highest positions it is reduced to 25.6%? Do you know more scientific references apart from Marie Curie? Have you ever considered whether, when studying and visualising diseases, it is done with enough gender perspective? We talk about gender bias in science and health.

In this talk, it will be exposed some of the causes and consequences that from a very young age mark the gender bias that exists in science, both in terms of positions of greater power and in the study and visualization in the media of certain diseases.

Adress: C/ de Provença, 480, 08025 Barcelona

Time: 18:30 h – 19:30 h


18:30 h New talk at the CC Vil·la Urània: Tuberculosis, a disease of the present – Raquel Prieto

On Monday, February 26 at 18:30 h, Raquel Prieto, Nurse of the Epidemiology Service of the Public Health Agency of Barcelona, will give a talk  at the Vil·la Urània Civic Center about  the tuberculosis disease in the present.

Tuberculosis was in 2021 the second cause of death by a single infectious agent after Covid-19. In Barcelona it continues to be a public health problem with 14.9 cases / 100,000 inhabitants notified in 2021. In addition, there is a decrease that is irregular so that it is observed in men but not in women, where there has been an increase, and in groups in a situation of vulnerability.

The aim of this talk is to highlight a problem that exists and that requires great efforts from Salut Publica if we want to achieve SDG 3 of the 2030 Agenda and the objectives of the WHO End-TB Strategy to reduce tuberculosis mortality by 95% and incidence by 90%. We will delve into differentiating between latent tuberculosis infection that means that the person is not ill and therefore cannot entrust the disease and active tuberculosis. On the other hand, the importance of both patient follow-up and the study of contacts in the different scenarios in which the patient moves will be explained.

Adress: C/Saragossa, 29, 08006 Barcelona

Time: 18:30 h – 20:00 h


18:00 h New talk at the CC Navas: Support for patients and the public in clinical research – Dra. Mª José Martínez Zapata

Tuesday, February 20 at 18 h, Dra. Mª José Martínez Zapata, Ibero-American Cochrane Center-Clinical Epidemiology Service, IR Sant Pau, will give a talk a the Navas Civic Centre on clinical research.

The talk will focus on the different types of patient and public participation in clinical research projects, whether clinical trials or observational studies or systematic reviews. In the sense of how their experience can improve the design of the studies, the usefulness of the results and their application.

Adress: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New Seminar at CC Guinardó: What is a clinical trial? – Pol Molina Perelló

On Wednesday, February 21 at 18:00 h, Pol Molina Perelló, Pharmaceutical Researcher at the CIM Sant Pau and the Clinical Research Platform of the IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center about the clinical trials that are carried out at the Center of Medicine Research – CIM of the Institut de Recerca Sant Pau.

During his talk he will talk about how the clinical trials with medicines that are carried out at the CIM are developed and monitored, mostly in Phase I with healthy volunteers in order to establish the effect of medicines in the initial stage of their development and trials Phase II, in small groups of patients in collaboration with various clinical services of the Hospital in order to obtain more kinetic or conceptual information on the drugs under study.

Address: Rda. Guinardó, 113-141, Barcelona 08043

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New Talk at CC Guinardó: New way to prescribe antibiotics in respiratory infections – Dr. Pablo Alonso Coello, Dra. Gemma Mas Dalmau & Dra. Mariam de la Poza

On Wednesday, February 14 at 18h, Dr. Pablo Alonso Coello (Specialist in Family and Community Medicine; Miguel Servet researcher of the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services research group of the IR Sant Pau and the Cochrane Iberoamericano Center; head of the Clinical Practice Guides area, and the GRADE Center) and Dra. Gemma Mas Dalmau (PhD in Methodology of biomedical research and public health; diploma in Nursing and degree in Sociology; coordinator of the Research Group in Nursing Care at IR Sant Pau and professor at the University School of Nursing Sant Pau) and Dra. Mariam de la Poza (Specialist in Family and Community Medicine; Medical Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona; Family doctor and tutor of residents of the Teaching Unit of Barcelona, in the doctor Carles Ribas CAP; President of the Spanish Society of General and Family Medicines, Catalonia), will give a talk at the Guinardó Civic Center titled “A new way of prescription antibiotics in respiratory infections: for more responsible consumption”.

Antibiotics are not necessary in most respiratory infections such as bronchitis, pharyngitis or otitis that we consult with our primary care professionals. However, antibiotics are often used in these infections, which causes microbes to become resistant to these drugs and lose efficiency when we really need them. This problem is one of the main health challenges of today’s world population. In this context, researchers from IR Sant Pau together with family doctors, paediatricians and nurses from primary care centres throughout Spain have studied a new strategy to improve the good use of antibiotics: the differentiated prescription of antibiotics. In this strategy the patient and time are key.

Adress: Rda. Guinardó, 113-141 Barcelona 08043

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New talk at the CC Navas: Women and cardiovascular health – Dra. Teresa Padró Capmany

On Tuesday, February 13 at 18 h, Dra. Teresa Padró Capmany, Coordinator of the Biomarkers Research Group for cardiovascular diseases at IR Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Navas Civic Center on cardiovascular health in women.

Cardiovascular diseases are today the main cause of death in women. The pathophysiology of cardiovascular health is not the same in men and women. In addition, there are specific conditions that predispose women to a higher cardiovascular risk. To better understand this disease and its causes will help to reduce its impact on women and eliminate the idea that cardiovascular disease is a matter for men.

Adress: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


18:00 h New Talk at CC Navas: The benefits of probiotics – Dr Eva Román

On Thursday, December 14 at 18:00 h, Dr Eva Roman, Nurse, EUI-Sant Pau Professor and Liver Disease Research Coordinator IIB Sant Pau, will give a talk at the Navas Civic Center on the benefits of probiotics.

The microbiota is the group of microorganisms that are found in our body: the mouth, the lungs, the intestines, the mucous membranes of the genitals, the skin… When we talk about the intestinal microbiota, we refer to the group of bacteria present in the digestive tract and that have very important functions in health and illness. Probiotics can modulate the gut microbiota, gut permeability and immune response and therefore could improve cognitive function and quality of life in people.

Address: Ptge. Torent, 1, 08027 Barcelona

Time: 18:00 h – 19:00 h


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